This and That from Here and There


Much of my scrapbooking seems to have migrated to my Facebook Fan Page, but here are a few snippets from the summer!

I believe this was my favorite sale EVER. These kids picked out art for their school as part of a program that Janus sponsors at the Cherry Creek Arts Festival. Awesome kids. Killer negotiators. That boy in the cap, front and center.... we'll all be asking him for jobs one day!
And these kids picked "Bound" for their school. The girl I'm with said, "It shows that we don't just look at the books, we get INSIDE of them."
I'm telling you.... my fans run the gamut.
My Duchamp installation at Minsky's Pizza, KC!
This space is available right near the spectacular new High Line Park in NYC..... is the sign a sign?
I love interactive, public art, and I love talking to strangers, so these meeting bowls in Times Square were right up my alley!

Even a little blurry, the team at Betsy and Iya in Portland can't help but be adorable! Check out their sweet new shop. You might even find my book there.

And over at Powell's, you can find my art on the cover of The Alphabet Conspiracy, by Rita Mae Reese.
I've done a lot of driving this summer. And you never know what you'll find...
More pics and stories from the road......