Some of my pals form the world of independent artists
Gregory Story

I love Gregory's combination of color and natural finishes. Fun and classy... just like him!


Sarah Jane Hassler

She's the one who encouraged me to get into this art fair insanity. Do I thank her or blame her? For anyone who's asked me where I got that cool jewelry, it's from Sarah. Great stuff for men too.

Visit her Website!

My friends have created some great books and music for children and adults. Click here to see!!

Chris Dahlquist

Is it dream, or memory? What is the difference? Is it historical or high-tech? This luminous work is constantly shifting under your gaze.


Jim C. Brown

Representing our neighbor to the north!

His website.

Beth Bojarski

Quirky, clever, hilarious, slightly disturbing and extremely beautiful. All at once. Absolutely luscious.

Web Site .

Mark Winter

Mark's characters are unforgetable.

Barbara J. Kline

Barbara's hand tinted photos are dreamy and fantastic, and often humorous..

Visit her site.

Ayala Naphtali

Yummy jewelry in silver, dyed coconut shells(!), and stones. I "borrowed" a necklace for the day at the 57th Street show, and I wouldn't give it back...

Whet your apetite here.

Alex Abajian

A new discovery of mine, this painter and printmaker (and phamacist and skateboarder and DJ..) hits on a lot of themes that resonate with me.

And he's got a cool website.

Lynn Whipple

Tapping into my love of odd objects and details, Lynn's poetic works always draw me in.


John Whipple

Always different. Always striking. Always inspiring. What more can I ask?

Joe DeCamillis

I've always loved his tiny, atmospheric paintings of Roadside America. Now he's framing them with old books, and every time I see them, the books are getting more fantastic.

and now he's got a cool website!

Kyle Osvog

Escheresque ceramics. Mind bending and beautiful, making full use of three dimensions.

Cathy Broski

Solidly feminine, these curvy girls are fierce!


click for more links!