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Emily Payne

Emily's work with detail and common objects speaks to me. Her revisioning and re-constructing results in extraordinary abstract-yet-familiar pieces.

See her website.

Tom Killion

Truly extraordinary traditional woodcuts of some of my most beloved California scenes.


Lulu Smith

Look familiar? I wear mine all the time.


Damian Velasquez

Hip and beautiful furniture, for your hip and beautiful life.

Here's his collection.

Gabe Lanza

This Chicago painter blends pop, politics and paint. I love it.


Alex and Vivianna Santamarina

These baskets are beautiful and practical, and are quickly multiplying in my home....

Their website.

A.E. London

Powerful images of the wild, from an artist deeply committed to its preservation. And she's funny too!

Her web wildlands.


What can you say about Kemper? You just have to stop in to his booth and get a dose.



Chanin Cook and Jonathan Edie combine wood, metal, rock and leather into unique and comfortable furnishing for unique and comforable homes.

Their website.

Taman VanScoy

I just love Taman's paintings, and I love watching his work evolve. I'm very happy to wake up to my own two budding trees every morning.

William VanScoy

A confession: When someone says "hand painted photographs", I usually look for the quickest exit. But when there are exceptions- they are exceptional.

His site.

Michael Cole

Michael and I share a love of common objects. I'm so jealous of his fan collection I could just spit. Luckily, he shares it through his fantastic photos.


Patty Mulligan

I'm always attracted to photography that draws from old technology in new ways. Patty's dreamy, dimensional transfers blend photography, painting and sculpture.

Visit her site,.

Srimongkol "Jack" Darawali

His abstract painting has that elusive quality of emotional content. I'm always excited to see his new work.

See his website.

Chris Rom and Geoff Buddie

I just love this felt work; in fact, now I look at it every day. I'm always interested in seeing their newest conceptions.


Carey Reynolds

Another artist in my personal collection. I love these mysteriously sacred forms.

Carey's site.

Hanson Glass

I've come to appreciate glass more since I started doing art shows. I love Ken and Ingrid's forms and colors, and fine craftsmanship.


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