But wait, there's more!
More artists whose work and personalities I've enjoyed.
Wes Magyar

I thought he was my personal discovery when I first saw his paintings in Denver two years ago. It turns out that my opinion was shared by museums and galleries and savy collectors. Don't miss it.

See more of his work.

Beamer Arts

I grew up recycling way before it was fashionable or easy, so Laura's jewels crafted from bottle caps and LP's please me. And it has given me new things to look out for. Did you know that pink 45's are very rare?

Mary Beth Yates

Mary Beth starts wigh white silk, and ends with glowing, shifting, dimensional art.


Derek Youngquist

Stuff, metal, paint- poetic and robust work that always gets my gears turning.

Visit his site,.

Lissa Herschleb

Lissa and I were talking the other day about the different ways people see things. Her work is a great conversation starter for that topic.

Visit her site.

Glenna Evans

Get up close and personal with dahlias and other wonders of nature. Glenna's attention to detail is part of the magnetism of her work.

See her site

Cicada Books

You can't have this one, because it's MINE! But Ben and Sage have created a remarkable collection of seriously one of a kind books, to help you remember your one of a kind life.

Here's the latest

H.C. Porter

I stared at this piece in the booth across the way in Ann Arbor for four days, and when the show was over, I couldn't imagine life without it. I know I made the right choice to bring it home.

Visit her site- and read about her work to rebuild Mississippi communities.

Greg Gawlowski

A good lesson in what you might see in your travels if you just woke up earlier!

Here's his site.

Kirsten Francis

Here's another piece that stowed away home with me from a show. I like it so much that I painted a wall in my place gold in its honor.

See more of Kirsten's magical work.

Mindy Rodman and Paul White

Incredible whimsical furniture and some not-so-practical objects that would be a joy to live with.

See their website.

Ellyna Berglund

Super festive pastels on subjects close to my heart: food, travel, scuba and baths.

See her website.

Norman Green

Luscious watercolors of some of my favorite things. And you're sure to have a good time hanging out with Norman. Ask him how he likes his new van! Norman's Art.

Steven E. Summerville

My lovely neighbor from Cherry Creek in 2001. Practical and beautiful pottery. We bonded in the rain...

Here's his website.

Peggy Cochran

Jewelry with strong solidity and delicate finesse. This piece is a container. And what a hostess!

Get intimate with her work.

Jonn Herschend

San Francisco painter whose work makes me smile and think. Here's Little Red Riding Hood's ill fated romance, part of the Woodsman's Last Stand.

His web site.

Jenifer Nakatsu Arntson

One of the delightful folks I met in Austin.

Stylish vinyl accessories. Built to last, priced to own, designed to start conversations.

If you can't visit Austin, visit her site.

Ross Matteson

When I was about 11, Ross stayed at my house, bringing his falcon with him. It was a magical experience for me, to creep down to the basement and see this remarkable bird up close. Ross' magnificent bronzes capture that magic and his love and understanding of these birds.

See his website.

Tom Walsh

My neighbor from my first year in Portland. I got so hooked on one of his sculptures after being near it for three days, that I had to take it home.

Here's his site.

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