We were in a hulking 15 passenger van with NO CD player, so we drove along listening to my cassette collection, which sort of makes you think that time stopped in 1988. 22 hours of driving is a long time to spend in 1988. And yes- I took a picture out the window of a fast moving car while driving. I was arguing with Frank about the mirage effect and needed evidence. Remember this picture and how tidy everything looks. Challenging Conditions was picked by a student jury to be included in the Mobile Art Collection- an exhibit that travels to schools throughout the state.
So my friend Frank and I hit the road to Denver. We weren't driving this really cool Airstream, but we did see it at Little America. It claims to be the oldest one on the road.
This is the Bonneville salt flats. Around here we were trying to name all 50 states without writing them down. It's hard to think and count at the same time. Then we tried to name the state capitols. For two people who think they're pretty smart, we stunk. Then we started to go for the state mottoes. Who can tell me what "The Equality State" is?
The night we were supposed to set up it stormed. We got as far as assembling my brand new canopy (35 almost identical pieces of pipe that arrived without instructions...) and then gave up. Got up at 5 the next morning to finish the job. Here's Frank in our little home for the next few days.
One of my favorite sales of the weekend was a woman who bought Stardust because her Feng Shui consultant told her she needed positive images of couples in her environment. I'm waiting for a report on what sort of effect it has on her love life!
And then the skies darkened....