Head shots and more

Here's a view of my 2003 "Head Shots" show at Dolores Park Cafe. I was really pleased with this show, and how it was received. I'll be showing more new and different work at the cafe November 2004.
And a view from inside. Smell the coffee...yum
BLUE RIBBON in Scottsdale 2003!
Red Ribbon in 2004!

I was awarded first place in photography at the Scottsdale fine Arts Festival in 2003! I've never had a blue ribbon for anything in my life. I felt like a pony! Unfortunately the ribbon wasn't quite big enough to serve as an umbrella, as the terrible Arizona drought decided to break on Sunday... more award info is here

I try to have a lot of fun on the road, even if it is a lot of work. I'm putting this scrapbook together as a place to share some stories, trials, and victories.
I would love your contributions!

If you have stories to tell about where my pictures have ended up, please let me know!

Better yet, send pictures of them in their new homes.

This page will keep growing.

Come back and check it out!

If you've never heard my storm story from Cherry Creek 2001, take a look.

Many of you who met me this year, also met Sophie, the intrepid French Giraffe. Tune in for tales of her adventures!!
Read some comments from my guestbook.